Snes9x is the best Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator. It is compatible with several games. It allows you to play free games designed especially for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your Computer and also possible Snes9x on PS3.
To install Snes9x on your ps3, you must first jailbreak your Console. so if your console is not yet jailbroken, you can do it by visiting the following articles:
- Jailbreak PS3 FAT & SLIM On 4.88 or Lower And install CFW 4.88 Cobra
- Jailbreak PS3 Super Slim On 4.88 Or Lower And install PS3HEN
Note that in 2005, Retro Gamer called SNES9x the best SNES Emulator.
To download the Snes9x emulator, please click on the download button below:
For more details and how to install snes9x on your ps3, watch carefully the video below:
- Snes9x is a ported Super Nintendo emulator for PS3 firmware, which allows you to play Super NES games on your PS3.
- Very big performance and lag reduction optimizations. Previous versions were indeed very slow – this should be a very big improvement.
on this front. - You can now use two shaders at once – we call this mode ‘Custom Scaling/ Dual Shader’. A scale factor (from 1 to 4x) can be specified.
- Stunning graphical effects can be achieved by combining shaders.
- Shader presets have been added. Shader Presets are configuration files that automatically configure settings for ‘Shader 1’, ‘Shader 2’, ‘Hardware Filtering Shader 1’, ‘Hardware Filtering Shader 2’, ‘Scaling Factor’ and ‘Overscan’. You can create your own shader presets
– these are just plain text files stored in USRDIR/presets. - The “New” control scheme is connected to “L2 + R2 + Analog Stick Right – Down”. This can be remapped to any button/button combo you deem appropriate.
- Fixed interlaced games like Rising Of The Robots – previously showing faulty graphics in version 4.4.7.
- Added a SNES homebrew game by The Master. The game logic is semi-hooked – the paddle works. The ball bounces off the paddle, just score
be added.
- Anyway, this has mostly been a 3-day exercise in SNES-ASM. This is just for illustration purposes.
- Added some shader variations and new shaders – HQ4x, 4xBR – courtesy of Jacaraca.
Controllers can now be individually configured – you can specifically configure commands for a controller connected to a specific port/number.
- The cheat entry has been made less buggy. With the new control scheme – L2 + Analog Stick Right Down will still enter cheats with the OSK, but it will add a generic tag (just the cheat code itself as a tag) until you rename this generic tag by triggering the action ‘Enter cheat tag’.
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